Mark's Custom Kits was founded back in 1989 and specialized in creating and replicating custom parts for clients who wanted to own and build their own replica car from a futuristic TV show. Our initial commitment to the highest quality products and attention to detail, quickly gained us a faithful and satisfied global client base. Over the years that followed, we have been involved with many different types of projects that have allowed us to both span the globe and extend our creative reach into areas we never had envisioned we would head into. The companies ever growing sterling global reputation for quality parts and fair professional attitude, has made the company name the one to go to when you need custom parts, radical dimensional changes, production runs from your own molds, project rehabs, theme park scenic parts, architectural products, custom vehicles and many other fiberglass/FRP projects. 

    The company has expanded out into areas that encompass many different creative venues ranging from attraction facades at the local theme parks, to parts for overseas clients to promotional vehicles for corporate companies, to cruise ship scenic restorations, to hotel waterslide and water features rehab and even working in the beautiful state of Hawaii, to which we say an eternal "Aloha" and look forward to our next project back there! Our website gives a pretty good look at almost all of our capabilities, but should there be something that you don't see, please give us a shout and inquire about how we can help you with your project. We are always growing and expanding and are forever looking into new and exciting ventures that allows us to create some magic for you.

     Our original company focus of creating parts for clients to build their own kit car may be how it all started, but we've never forgotten our roots and how it allowed us to forge forward and continue to enjoy the many areas of creative and productive avenues that has sustained and assisted us in always seeking new horizons to showcase our companies capabilities. Enjoy the website and we hope you find it informative !








All material contained herein, pertaining to text, graphics, content, layout and design are proprietary to Marks Custom Kits, Inc. Any use without express written permission from Marks Custom Kits will be construed as a violation of the Copyright Laws of the United States.   All images are of company products, services and capabilities and do not infringe upon any other entities or corporations.