The order form is available in  a Adobe PDF file you can fill in the blanks on your computer, save it and email it to the company email address. If you have the Adobe reader, you should be able to fill it out by just moving your mouse pointer to each box and fill in the required information.

    The order form should start to download automatically in about 3 seconds.

    By default, the self-executing file should save itself to your "Documents and Settings" folder. Click on the  "Order Form.exe "  file and it will unzip the order form in PDF format. 

    If the file does not start to download, please click on the link below.

    We will accept PayPal only, for this special parts "garage sale", you will be required to add a service fee of 3% to the price of your order to cover PayPal's charges to businesses. Our PayPal address

 is    "".









If you need to contact us via standard mail or need to stop by, our physical address is:


Mark's Custom Kits Inc.

2217 Clay St.

Kissimmee, FL. 34741

321-697-5445   Office/Fax

321-624-4219   Mobile                                                                                           Or, you can EMAIL us at:

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All material contained herein, pertaining to text, graphics, content, layout and design are proprietary to Marks Custom Kits, Inc. Any use without express written permission from Marks Custom Kits will be construed as a violation of the Copyright Laws of the United States.   All images are of company products, services and capabilities and do not infringe upon any other entities or corporations.